Dear Apt. 303

I’ve always considered the number 3 to be a lucky number in my life. Maybe it’s because I was born on the 3rd day of the month and subjectively decided that’s my lucky number, or maybe there really is something more cosmic behind it. Regardless, I’ve gone through life choosing to believe that good vibes come from the number 3. So believe me, I definitely took my move into Apt. 303 as a positive sign of things to come. (Also, I wrote this 2 months ago, and it’s not lost on me that I just checked into room 303 at the start of my trip to Bangkok.)

Apt. 303 was the first apartment that I’ve lived in by myself. During college, I always had roommates, then I graduated and moved in with my mom for a year, then I moved in with my then-boyfriend for about 7 years. Moving into my own apartment has been such a learning and growing experience, one that’s also been defined by my love for aesthetically pleasing interior design and the colors pink and gold (finally lived out my full girly glam dreams in that little place).

Let’s take it back to the beginning - frankly, this apartment was the result of a breakup. As fate would have it, during the weeks I had to figure out my next move, I stumbled upon a sublease listing in one of our company’s slack channels. A 7-month sublease seemed like just the right opportunity to secure something that would be a good fit for this transitional period, not necessarily a long-term move (especially given the cost of rent). One month, a couple signatures, and lots of moving boxes later - I was in my own place.

It’s important to note that during this whole transition, I was also planning some of the biggest events of my entire career while juggling my biggest wedding season. Rivian’s IPO launch took place the same month I moved into the apartment, with numerous events leading up to it. Throw in some other major curveballs, and it’s truly a wonder how I made it through those few months - which is why I’m especially reflective on this past season and this apartment in particular.

A million thanks to my mom who helped me haul boxes and furniture up and down 2 flights of stairs as we slowly moved everything in. And shoutout to my friends and their husbands who moved my mattress and a few other items for me. Also, shoutout to me for acquiring a wedding rental business the year prior and using my rentals as beautiful temporary - and permanent - home decor. Little did my wedding planner self know how much it would work out in her favor…

Now for a good universe-had-my-back story - A few weeks after I moved in, I saw one of my neighbors a few times and swore it was the dad of my best friend Michelle from high school. But I knew her parents had lived in one of the subdivisions in recent years, so I just figured there was no way it could be him. Finally, one day I officially encountered these neighbors and confirmed it was Michelle’s parents - and they lived in the apartment directly below me!

Of ALL the apartments and buildings and places in town, they lived right below me. It was such a guardian angel moment where I felt like Michelle was truly looking out for me in this new season. A few months later, her parents moved to Texas, but her dad gave me his phone number and new address so I can keep in touch. I will never forget this chance encounter and all the peace it brought me.

Moving into Apt. 303 was such a journey and a blessing. And even though I just moved out a week ago into a new charming little apartment, I am so grateful for my time spent there. Enough that I wanted to recap it here in a little thank you note. Cheesy? Maybe. But you’re getting the heart on the sleeve right now.

To Apt. 303 - thank you for:

  • Providing a safe and calm landing spot during months where I was traveling or working nights and weekends

  • Giving me a clean slate to figure out what I like and what I want

  • Teaching me to set boundaries with my time and mental health

  • Having a walk-in closet where I got to live out my true fashionista dreams

  • Coming to life as I slowly hung pictures on the walls and discovered my interior design aesthetic (work in progress)

  • Having a balcony where I could create the little patio of my dreams and enjoy it with others (while drinking wine of course)

  • Showing me that it’s okay to let people in and wear your heart on your sleeve

  • Allowing me to be mediocre at keeping a stocked fridge, while also improving my cooking skills with meal delivery kits once in awhile

  • Encouraging me to embrace running again with convenient access to trails

  • Keeping it together on the maintenance front so I didn’t have complete meltdowns

  • Being my home base while I had Covid over Christmas… will never forget opening presents that my mom had just dropped off over FaceTime

  • Allowing me space to figure out my goals, dreams, and new hobbies

  • Providing the most beautiful view of sunrises and sunsets

  • Reminding me to celebrate the people that bring sunshine to my life

  • Being the backdrop to a chapter I will never forget

I wrote this 3 days before I visited the apartment that I just moved into, and I’m so glad it worked out! The new place is much cheaper and puts me closer to some of my favorite areas, with a shorter commute to work. It was another major transition - one that took place in the middle of another crazy season, between leaving for Thailand a week later and planning another highlight event of my career. Despite the craziness, I’m feeling as confident as ever moving into this next chapter, into year 31.

And hey, my 30’s have to bring the good vibes with the number 3 in them for the next 9 years, right?

Cheers to new adventures. xx
